To enrol your child at Cannonvale State School follow these easy steps:
Step 1
Contact us to arrange for an enrolment interview. An appointment will be made with the Deputy Principal for an interview with parents or guardians together with the enrolling child/ren.
Step 2
In preparation for your enrolment interview please:
Read these important documents
Complete the following forms for each child:
- Application for student enrolment (PDF, 1.4MB)
- Digital technology consent form (PDF, 127KB)
- Prep-Year 2 Online Services Consent form (PDF, 354KB)
- Year 3-6 Online Services Consent form (PDF, 383KB)
- State school media consent form (PDF, 383KB)
- Student Resource Scheme form (PDF, 193KB)
- QParents registration process guide (PDF, 950KB)
- Swimming permission (PDF, 100KB)
- Home Reading Permission (PDF, 218KB)
- Japanese Skye Consent (PDF, 232KB)
These documents and forms can be downloaded or are available in an enrolment pack from the school office.
Step 3
Attend your enrolment interview with the Deputy Principal. Please bring the following items to this interview:
- All completed forms as outlined above
- Each child's birth certificate
- A current passport and visa is required for any child born overseas
- Each child’s most recent student report card
At the enrolment meeting we will:
- discuss the details on your enrolment application
- organise uniforms, books and any fees payable
- complete an enrolment agreement.
Step 4
Purchase school uniforms, books (if you are not participating in the Student Resource Scheme) and other school requirements before your children start school.
Uniforms are available from Shirtfront Solutions, Cnr Shute Harbour Road and Macarthur Drive, Cannonvale. Download a uniform list
If you cannot download the document/s linked from this page, please contact us and we will provide a copy via the school office.