The library caters for all students, providing a wide range of literature that is available for students to borrow. A library bag is required for borrowing, and books can be borrowed for a period of 14 days. Students have the opportunity to borrow during play times, or at a set time each week with their class. Two books may be borrowed at any time, except for Prep and Year 1 children who may borrow one book at a time. All books borrowed must be cared for. Reimbursement is sought from parents for replacement of damaged or lost books.
Opening times for all children
The library is open to students during both lunch breaks, where they have the option to read, draw, or play board games.
Opening times:
11.15 – 11.30am
1.20 – 1.40pm
Scholastic Book Club
Children have the opportunity to participate in the Scholastic Book Club three times a year. Catalogues are issued to students approximately 10 days prior to collection day. Orders are made through the online LOOP system, or students can return their order form with the correct money to the library. Ordering books through the Book Club benefits the school, as 20% of what you spend goes back to the school - your support allows us to buy additional books for the library.
Book Week Celebrations
Children’s Book Week celebrations take place once a year towards the end of Term 3. The school holds a book fair, displays and competitions, with the highlight being the Book Week dress-up parade which takes place at a special assembly. Parents are advised of the dates on which this is to be held, and are welcome to come along.